Corporate information

Environmental data of Group

Environmental influences on the JUKI Group’s business activities

JUKI products are still manufactured using abundant energy and resources, including precious resources for parts and materials. As an energy and resource consumer, the JUKI Group is determined to clarify the environmental load of its business activities and improve its environmental performance.


Energy (In crude oil equivalent) 19,711kl
Electricity 16,673kl
Fuel oil A 992kl
Light oil 244kl
Gasoline 132kl
Kerosene 137kl
Gas 107kl
Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) 1,359kl
Acetylene 0kl
Natural gas (NG) 67kl
Water 519,000㎥
Raw materials 15,820t
Metallic materials 12,810t
Plastic material 137t
Rubber 96t
Paper (excluding OA papers for office) 120t
Others resources (parts, raw
materials, and others)
  • Electricity: the electric power used in the factories and offices.
  • Fuel oil A: used for operating equipment such as drying furnaces at painting facilities.
  • Light oil: the fuel for trucks.
  • Gasoline: the fuel for company-owned cars.
  • Kerosene: the fuel for warm-air heating.
  • Liquid petroleum gas: the fuel for regular-use electricity generators.
  • Acetylene: the fuel for gas welding for equipment repairs and cutting and soldering sheet steel.
  • Natural gas: fuel for cooking in kitchens or supplying hot water.
  • Metallic materials, plastic materials, and rubber: materials for parts.
  • Paper: cardboard for transporting and packing products and preventing the collapse of cargo and denting of products in the manufacturing processes.
JUKI Business activities
Production Volume of Major Products 11,333kl
CO₂ 43,823t-CO₂
Drainage 303,000㎥
Total waste emissions 8,297t
General waste 1,228t
Industrial waste 6,689t
Specially controlled industrial waste 380t
Recycled volume 4,925t
Waste final disposal volume 2,817t
The JUKI Group recycles waste plastic,
cleaning solutions,used tools, wooden palettes
(woodchip), and other by-products and
supplies produced in the active conduct of
  • CO₂: caused by the use of electricity and fuel.
  • General waste: all waste discharged from homes and enterprises except industrial waste. Includes garbage from kitchens and other garbage discharged in business activities.
  • Industrial waste: twenty kinds of waste set up by laws, rules, and regulations, among the wastes generated by business activities by entities such as factories. Includes abolished sand used for molds, pallets (made from wood pellets), cutting oil, and prototype machines for experiments and research.
  • Specially controlled industrial waste: highly explosive, toxic, and infectious waste that may cause suffering to human health and the living environment. Especially strict management is crucial. The waste includes PCBs and the like contained in old condensers and other components.
  • Final disposal: disposal of garbage at reclaimed disposal sites.
  • Recycle: effective use of resources by recycling.
To Recyclable Waste


These figures summarize Fiscal Year 2016 data gathered from JUKI and its manufacturing group companies in Japan and overseas.
Some group companies lack complete or sufficient information on raw materials.

* Crude oil equivalent: the conversion volume to crude oil using the heating value, for comparisons among different energy volumes using a common measure.

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