Corporate information With everybody’s lifeJUKI technology is useful in a town, an office and life.Message from Top ManagementAn introduction to amessage from JUKI's top managementJUKI Group Corporate PhilosophyAn introduction to JUKI’s way of thinking of management activities of the JUKI GroupApproach to the environmentAn introduction to JUKI’s way of thinking of management activities of the JUKI GroupCompany identificationAn introduction to JUKI’s company outline, officers, corporate governance and percentage of salesDescription of businessAn introduction to the outline and future direction of the industrial sewing machines business, the household sewing machines business, the electronics assembly &systems business, the group business and the customer businessGroup companyAn introduction to the JUKI Group companies and their global basesHistoryAn introduction to JUKI’s history JUKI Integrated Report JUKI Integrated Report 2024