DLC hook

DLC hook

DLC coating extends the life of the hook and reduces oil stains on sewing materials!

What is DLC?

DLC is an abbreviation for Diamond-Like Carbon, which is a hard coating that has properties similar to diamond and is mainly composed of hydrocarbon. By coating the surface of the material with a thin film of DLC, new properties such as hardness, lubricity, and wear resistance can be given.

Can be used stably for a long time!

DLC coating is applied to the conventional hook, and the surface hardness of the hook has been improved.

Wear resistance is improved, and wear and seizure of the shuttle and inner hook can be reduced, extending the service life and enabling long-term use.

Wear is reduced compared to conventional hooks. So stable seam quality can be obtained.

Reduction of oil stains!

Since the DLC coating has high self-lubricating properties, the hook lubrication could be minimized.

This hook can greatly reduce seizure even when used with a very small amount of oil.

The amount of hook oil can be minimized, reducing oil stains on sewing materials.

Standard hook

Standard hook

DLC hook

DLC hook

The AMS Series / LK Series shuttle hooks have DLC coating on the shuttle.

Standard hook

Standard hook

DLC hook

DLC hook

The LU-1500N Series / LU-2800 Series rotary hooks have DLC coating on the inner and outer hooks.


Increased surface hardness!

High hardness coating improves wear resistance! Not only the service life of the hook is extended but also the seam quality is stabilized.

86% higher hardness than the standard hook

High self-lubricating properties!

Self-lubricating properties allow use with a very small amount of hook oil! As a result, oil stains on sewing materials are reduced.

33% less heat generation with DLC coating

List of part numbers

Shuttle hook

DLC hook

DLC hook

Standard hook

Standard hook

DLC hook part No. Standard hook part No. Applicable models Seam specification
40162193 40061991 AMS-210E / AMS-221E / AMS-210EN H
AMS-224E / AMS-221EN H / G
AMS-224EN H / G / T
B1818210D0B AMS-210D / AMS-215D / AMS-221D H※
LK-1910 / LK-1920 / LK-1930 HS※ / HA※
40179357 40110846 LK-1900S / LK-1903S
LK-1901A / LK-1902A / LK-1903A
LK-1901AN / 1902AN / LK-1903AN
LK-1901B / LK-1902B / LK-1901BN / LK-1902BN
LK-1900A / LK-1900AN S / F / M
LK-1903B / LK-1903BN S / B
LK-1900B / LK-1900BN S / F / M / B
AB-1351 / AB-1360
AMS-210ENSS1306SZ7450 Name embroidery type
40179615 40112995 LK-1900S
LK-1900A / LK-1902A / LK-1900AN / LK-1902AN
LK-1900B / LK-1902B / LK-1900BN / LK-1902BN

* The shuttle driver must be replaced at the same time (40014963).

Rotary hook

DLC hook

DLC hook

Standard hook

Standard hook

DLC hook part No. Standard hook part No. Applicable models Seam specification
40166745 21387055 LU-1509N S
LU-1510N-7 / LU-1511N-7
LU-1560N-7 / LU-1561N-7
40079022 LU-1510NA-7
40166518 40131956 LU-2810-7 / LU-2860-7
LU-2810ESAL-7 / LU-2860VAL-7
40187686 40147912 LU-2828A-6 / LU-2828A-7
LU-2828ESA-7 / LU-2828VA-7
40188340 40195292 LU-2828VA-7NBBSF Option class
Equipped with a bobbin thread
remaining amount detector assy

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My ListPart No.Standard hook part No.Applicable modelsSpecificationShape
4016219340061991AMS-210E / AMS-221E / AMS-210ENHShuttle hook
4016219340061991AMS-224E / AMS-221ENH / GShuttle hook
4016219340061991AMS-224ENH / G / TShuttle hook
40162193B1818210D0BAMS-210D / AMS-215D / AMS-221DH※Shuttle hook
40162193B1818210D0BLK-1910 / LK-1920 / LK-1930HS※ / HA※Shuttle hook
4017935740110846LK-1900S / LK-1903S
LK-1901A / LK-1902A / LK-1903A
LK-1901AN / 1902AN / LK-1903AN
LK-1901B / LK-1902B / LK-1901BN / LK-1902BN
SShuttle hook
4017935740110846LK-1900A / LK-1900ANS / F / MShuttle hook
4017935740110846LK-1903B / LK-1903BNS / BShuttle hook
4017935740110846LK-1900B / LK-1900BNS / F / M / BShuttle hook
4017935740110846AB-1351 / AB-1360Shuttle hook
4017935740110846AMS-210ENSS1306SZ7450Name embroidery typeShuttle hook
LK-1900A / LK-1902A / LK-1900AN / LK-1902AN
LK-1900B / LK-1902B / LK-1900BN / LK-1902BN
HShuttle hook
4016674521387055LU-1509NSRotary hook
4016674540079022LU-1510N-7 / LU-1511N-7
LU-1560N-7 / LU-1561N-7
Rotary hook
4016651840131956LU-2810-7 / LU-2860-7
LU-2810ESAL-7 / LU-2860VAL-7
Rotary hook
4018768640147912LU-2828A-6 / LU-2828A-7
LU-2828ESA-7 / LU-2828VA-7
Rotary hook
4018834040195292LU-2828VA-7NBBSFOption class
Equipped with a bobbin thread
remaining amount detector assy
Rotary hook

*To use the my list, membership registration (free membership) is required.

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